
关于英语章节书《My Weird School》的介绍,看这一篇就够了

这段时间,孩子开始了第二部章节书《My Weird School》的裸听,网上关于这个系列书的介绍有一些,但都不太深入、全面。比如,这部书有多少套系?出版了的音频的有哪几本?我从网上搜集了一些信息,总结整理为以下4个方面:

  • 概述及已经出版的套系
  • 选择它作为第二部章节书的原因
  • 不同的声音
  • 出版了音频的有哪几本
  • 附录:《My Weird School》所有套系的清单

1 概述及已经出版的套系

《My Weird School》是由Dan Gutman撰写的一部风趣幽默的初级章节书,Jim Paillot为其画了生动的插图。其蓝思指数为470L-700L。

Dan Gutman

这部书于2004年7月首次亮相。第一个套系就叫做《My Weird School》(2004-2008, 21本)。后来,这部书持续扩展,其主干的扩展包括了

  • 《My Weird School Daze 》(2008-2011,12本),
  • 《My Weirder School 》(2011-2014, 12本),
  • 《My Weirdest School》 (2015-2018,12本),
  • 《My Weirder-est School》 (2019-2022,12本),
  • 《My Weirdtastic School》 (2023-?, 6本)


除此之外,《My Weird School》还有若干衍生套系:

  • 《My Weird School Specials 》(12本),
  • 教授孩子们基本的写作和阅读技巧的《My Weird Writing Tips》和《My Weird Reading Tips》,
  • 分级读物I Can Read线的《My Weird School: I Can Read》 (2016-?, 4本),
  • 非虚构百科全书类的《My Weird School Fast Facts》 (2015-?,8本),
  • 漫画书(2021-?,3本),
  • 桌游《My Weird School Board Game》

*以上书籍信息可以在Dan Gutman的个人网站上找到。

这部书的故事发生在一所老师们性格独特的学校中,每一本书都以一位特定的老师为核心展开。主人公A.J.是一个讨厌上学的男孩。他在学校的对手是一个名叫Andrea的对学校充满热爱的女生,而她的朋友Emily在A.J.眼中却是个“爱哭鬼”。 故事中的幽默元素主要来自那些出人意料的情节设置以及老师们独特的性格。

Dan Gutman的灵感来源于Barbara Park 的《Junie B. Jones》 系列,该系列激发了他想要从一个男孩的视角创作类似作品的念头。在为成年人写作了15年之后, Dan开始转向儿童作品的写作。他希望他的作品能够激发孩子们对阅读的兴趣,特别是让那些在学习上遇到困难的孩子也能发现阅读的乐趣。

2 选择它作为第二部章节书的原因

首先,是难度适中。这部书要比我们看的第一部初章书《dragon masters》要难一些。从蓝思值上看,这部书要比《Magic tree house》略难一些。但是,实际读起来,我却觉得似乎这部书要简单一些。另外,这部书的插图比《dragon masters》要少。《dragon masters》中每一页都有插图,而这套书里每4页才能有一个小插图。所以,这套书的插图对文字理解的帮助不大。


比如说,在第一本《Miss Daisy is crazy!》里,主人公的二年级的老师Miss Daisy就是一个奇怪的人,她与A.J.一样讨厌学校,而且非常喜欢吃夹心软糖。Miss Daisy的算术奇差,也不会阅读,学生们都很好奇她是怎么当上老师的?正因为Miss Daisy什么都不会,很多问题都要她的学生们自己来研究解答。同学Ryan提到他爸爸所工作的公司收购其他公司的时候就如自己去买一块糖果那么容易。同学Michael Robinson提出一个天才的想法,就是把学校购买下来,那么大家都不用上学了。于是,这群小学生密谋着把学校买下来并改装成电子游戏室,他们能成功么?在这里我就卖个关子,不再剧透了。

3 不同的声音


第一个不同的声音,来自于我们家的亲身经历,鑫宝从这部书里学会了说别人是dumbhead (笨蛋)。这句话在书中同学间打嘴仗时,反复出现。 鑫宝很快就学会了,现在对我、小朋友及老师有时就会说这个词。



4 出版了音频的有哪几本

  • 《My Weird School》– audible.com里有全部21本有声书
  • 《My Weird School Daze》 — 没有搜到有声书
  • 《My Weirder School》 — audible.com里有9-12册的有声书
  • 《My Weirdest School series》 — audiobookstore.com里有1本有声书,Dan Gutman的个人网站上有全部的朗读视频
  • 《My Weirder-est School》 — audiobookstore.com里有全部12本有声书
  • 《My Weird School Special》 — audiobookstore.com里有9本有声书


更多儿童的外语习得知识,请关注我的微信公众号 宝宝的外语习得


My Weird School (2004-2008) 21本

  • Miss Daisy Is Crazy!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2004. ISBN 9780060507008.
  • Mr. Klutz Is Nuts!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2004. ISBN 9780060507022.
  • Mrs. Roopy Is Loopy!. New York: Harper Collins. 2004. ISBN 9780060507046.
  • Ms. Hannah Is Bananas!. New York: Harper Collins. 2004. ISBN 9780060507077.
  • Miss Small Is Off the Wall!. New York: Harper Collins. 2005. ISBN 9780060745196.
  • Mr. Hynde Is Out of His Mind!. New York: Harper Collins. 2005. ISBN 9780060745202.
  • Mrs. Cooney Is Loony!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2005. ISBN 9780060745226.
  • Ms. LaGrange Is Strange!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2005. ISBN 9780060822231.
  • Miss Lazar Is Bizarre!. New York: Harper Collins. 2005. ISBN 9780060822255.
  • Mr. Docker Is Off His Rocker!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2006. ISBN 9780060822279.
  • Mrs. Kormel Is Not Normal!. New York: Harper Collins. 2006. ISBN 9780060822309.
  • Ms.Todd Is Odd!. New York: Harper Collins. 2006. ISBN 9780060822323.
  • Mrs. Patty Is Batty!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2006. ISBN 9780060853808.
  • Miss Holly Is Too Jolly!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2006. ISBN 9780060853822.
  • Mr. Macky Is Wacky!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2007. ISBN 9780061141515.
  • Ms. Coco Is Loco!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2007. ISBN 9780061141539.
  • Miss Suki Is Kooky!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2007. ISBN 9780061234736.
  • Mrs. Yonkers Is Bonkers!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2007. ISBN 9780061234750.
  • Dr. Carbles Is Losing His Marbles!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2007. ISBN 9780061234774.
  • Mr. Louie Is Screwy!. New York: Harper Collins. 2007. ISBN 9780061234798.
  • Ms. Krup Cracks Me Up!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2008. ISBN 9780061346064.

My Weird School Daze (2008-2011) 12本

  • Mrs. Dole Is Out Of Control!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2008. ISBN 9780061346071.
  • Mr. Sunny Is Funny!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2008. ISBN 9780061346095.
  • Mr. Granite Is From Another Planet!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2008. ISBN 9780061346125.
  • Coach Hyatt Is a Riot!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2009. ISBN 9780061554063.
  • Officer Spence Makes No Sense!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2009. ISBN 9780061554100.
  • Mrs. Jafee Is Daffy!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2009. ISBN 9780061554131.
  • Dr. Brad Has Gone Mad!. New York: Harper Collins. 2009. ISBN 9780062288912.
  • Miss Laney Is Zany!. New York: Harper Collins. 2010. ISBN 9780061554155.
  • Mrs. Lizzy Is Dizzy!. New York: Harper. 2010. ISBN 9780061554186.
  • Miss Mary Is Scary!. New York: Harper. 2010. ISBN 9780061703980.
  • Mr. Tony Is Full of Baloney!. New York: Harper. 2010. ISBN 9780061704000.
  • Ms. Leakey Is Freaky!. New York: Harper Collins. 2011. ISBN 9780061704031.

My Weirder School (2011-2014) 12本

  • Miss Child Has Gone Wild!. New York: Harper Collins. 2011. ISBN 9780061969171.
  • Mr. Harrison Is Embarrassin’!. New York: Harper. 2011. ISBN 9780061969195.
  • Mrs. Lilly Is Silly!. New York: Harper. 2011. ISBN 9780061969201.
  • Mr. Burke Is Berserk!. New York: Harper. 2012. ISBN 9780061969232.
  • Ms. Beard Is Weird!. New York: Harper. 2012. ISBN 9780062042101.
  • Mayor Hubble Is in Trouble!. New York: Harper. 2012. ISBN 9780062042132.
  • Miss Kraft Is Daft!. New York: Harper. 2013. ISBN 9780062042163.
  • Dr. Nicholas Is Ridiculous!. New York: Harper. 2013. ISBN 9780062042187.
  • Ms. Sue Has No Clue!. New York: Harper. 2013. ISBN 9780062198396.
  • Mr. Jack Is a Maniac!. New York: Harper. 2014. ISBN 9780062198426.
  • Miss Klute Is a Hoot!. New York: Harper. 2014. ISBN 9780062198440.
  • Mrs. Lane Is a Pain!. New York: Harper Collins. 2014. ISBN 9780062198471.

My Weirdest School (2015-2018) 12本

  • Mr. Cooper Is Super!. New York: Harper Collins. 2015. ISBN 9780062284228.
  • Ms. Cuddy Is Nutty!. New York: Harper Collins. 2015. ISBN 9780062284242.
  • Miss Brown Is Upside Down!. New York: Harper Collins. 2016. ISBN 9780062284273.
  • Mrs. Meyer Is On Fire!. New York: Harper Collins. 2016. ISBN 9780062284327.
  • Miss Daisy Is Still Crazy!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2016. ISBN 9780062284358.
  • Mr. Nick Is A Lunatic!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2016. ISBN 9780062284372.
  • Ms. Joni Is A Phony!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2017. ISBN 9780062429315.
  • Mrs. Master Is A Disaster!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2017. ISBN 9780062429339.
  • Miss Tracy Is Spacey!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2017. ISBN 9780062429360.
  • Miss Newman Isn’t Human!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2018. ISBN 9780062429407.
  • Mr. Will Needs To Chill!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2018. ISBN 9780062429438.
  • Ms. Hall Is A Goofball!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2018. ISBN 9780062429469.

My Weirder-est School (2019-2022) 12本

  • Dr. Snow Has Got to Go!. New York: Harper. 2019. ISBN 9780062691026.
  • Miss Porter Is Out of Order!. New York: Harper. 2019. ISBN 9780062691040.
  • Dr. Floss Is the Boss!. New York: Harper. 2019. ISBN 9780062691071.
  • Miss Blake Is a Flake!. New York: Harper. 2020. ISBN 9780062691118.
  • Mr. Marty Loves a Party!. New York: Harper. 2020. ISBN 9780062691149.
  • Mrs. Bacon Is Fakin’!. New York: Harper. 2020. ISBN 9780062691170.
  • Ms. Jo-Jo Is a Yo-Yo!. New York: Harper. 2021. ISBN 9780062910417.
  • Miss. Aker is a Maker!. New York: Harper. 2021. ISBN 9780062910448.
  • Mrs. Barr Has Gone Too Far!
  • Mr. Ott Is a Crackpot!
  • Mrs. Stoker Is a Joker!
  • Lil Mouse Is In The House!

My Weirdtastic School (HarperCollins, 2023-?) 6 本

  • Miss Banks Pulls Lots of Pranks! New York: Harper Collins.
  • Uncle Fred Is a Knucklehead! New York: Harper Collins.
  • Professor Pitt Is a NitWit! New York: Harper Collins.
  • Miss Nichol Is in a Pickle! New York: Harper Collins.
  • Mrs. Marge Is in Charge! New York: Harper Collins.
  • Ms. Greene Is Mean! New York: Harper Collins.

My Weird School Special 12本

  • It’s Halloween, I’m Turning Green!. New York: Harper Collins. 2013. ISBN 9780062206794.
  • Deck the Halls, We’re Off the Walls!. New York: Harper Collins. 2013. ISBN 9780062206831.
  • Bunny Double, We’re in Trouble!. New York: Harper Collins. 2014. ISBN 9780062284006.
  • Back to School, Weird Kids Rule!. New York: Harper Collins. 2014. ISBN 9780062206855.
  • Oh, Valentine, We’ve Lost Our Minds!. New York: Harper Collins. 2014. ISBN 9780606364607.
  • Bummer in the Summer!. New York: Harper Collins. 2019. ISBN 9780062796813.
  • We’re Red, Weird and Blue! What Can We Do?. New York: Harper Collins. 2020. ISBN 9780062796844.
  • The Leprechaun Is Finally Gone. New York: Harper Collins.
  • There’s a Skunk in My Bunk!. New York: Harper Collins.
  • No More School. April Fools! New York: Harper Collins.
  • Hip Hip Hooray! Every Day is a Holiday! New York: Harper Collins.
  • Jokes, Games, and Puzzles New York: Harper Collins.

My Weird Writing Tips. New York: Harper Collins. 2013. ISBN 9780062091079.

My Weird Reading Tips. New York: Harper Collins.

My Weird School: I Can Read (2016-?) 4本

A series of early reading books as part of the I Can Read! line.

  • My Weird School Goes To the Museum. New York: Harper Trophy. 2016. ISBN 9780062367440.
  • My Weird School Talent Show Mix-Up. New York: Harper Trophy. 2016. ISBN 9780062367402.
  • My Weird School Class Pet Mess!. New York: Harper Trophy. 2017. ISBN 9780062367471.
  • My Weird School Teamwork Trouble. New York: Harper Trophy. 2018. ISBN 9780062367495.

My Weird School Fast Facts (2015-?) 8本

A series of nonfiction books with facts presented by A.J. and Andrea.

  • Geography. New York: Harper Collins. 2016. ISBN 9780062306210.
  • Sports. New York: Harper Collins. 2016. ISBN 9780062306180.
  • Explorers, Presidents, and Toilets. New York: Harper. 2017. ISBN 9780062306234.
  • Space, Humans, and Farts. New York: Harper. 2017. ISBN 9780062306272.
  • Dogs, Cats, and Dung Beetles. New York: Harper. 2018. ISBN 9780062673077.
  • Dinosaurs, Dodos, and Woolly Mammoths. New York: Harper. 2018. ISBN 9780062673107.
  • Mummies, Myths, and Mysteries. New York: Harper. 2019. ISBN 9780062673138.
  • Pizza, Peanut Butter, and Pickles. New York: Harper. 2019. ISBN 9780062673152.

My Weird School Graphic Novel (2021-?) 3本

A series of graphic novels.

  • Mr. Corbett Is In Orbit!. New York: Harper Alley. 2021. ISBN 9780062947611.
  • Get a Grip! We’re on a Trip! New York: Harper Alley.
  • Dorks in New York! New York: Harper Alley.